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Marilyn Chambers & Warren Hinckle 1985

Marilyn Chambers
Marilyn Chambers
Warren Hinckle
Warren Hinckle

When Dianne Feinstein was mayor, she tried cleaning up the strip joints, particularly the Mitchell Brothers Theater which is located only three blocks from City Hall. In February 1985, the cops raided the theater and arrested porn movie star, Marilyn Chambers, in the middle of her nude act. Prior to becoming a porn movie star, Ms. Chambers had a brief career as a model and was featured as the wholesome looking mother on the boxes of Ivory Snow detergent.

Hinckle, a buddy of the Mitchell Brothers and an frequent critic of the mayor, wrote several columns of scathing ridicule about the arrest and the politician behind it. A few days later, Hinckle was arrested on a warrant for walking his basset hound, Bentley, without a leash.

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Marilyn Chambers, R.I.P

By Warren Hinckle

Marilyn Chambers, who died last week at 56, is an icon to generations of San Franciscans. The former Ivory Snow (99 & 44/100 % Pure) soap box cover girl starred in San Francisco’s Mitchell Brothers mega-porn hit movie Behind The Green Door. The following is excerpted from Warren Hinckle’s forthcoming book, Who Killed Hunter S. Thompson? to be published in May by Last Gasp of San Francisco.

“The Ivory Snow Girl arrested for prostitution in San Francisco in San Francisco. It’s awesome.” — Jim Mitchell, after Marilyn Chambers’ 1985 arrest at his O’Farrell Street Theater.


When the Mitchell Brothers O’Farrell Street Theater began presenting live acts on multiple stages — one set was built as a giant shower room — the Savonarola inside Mayor Diane Feinstein was awakened.  Now the senior U.S. Senator from California, the convent-bred Feinstein was about as hang loose as an Easter Island statue as Mayor. Her mayoralty was firm on primness. Women working in the mayor’s office were expected to wear dresses, no pants; formerly as a city Supervisor she had tinkered with ordinances attempting to regulate the commerce of sex in the famous sea port city, even unto suggesting that all the city’s sex emporiums be relocated into a single Red Light combat zone in the largely black Bayview District; she was actually taken aback when the residents didn’t cozy up to her idea. If Dianne hadn’t fallen into a career in politics — when her predecessor as Mayor, George Moscone was assassinated with Harvey Milk at City Hall, she became Mayor–she would have had an excellent future as a disinfector of public telephones.

Feinstein empowered the vice squad of the SFPD as a sort of screwball comedy Papal Swiss Guard with the sworn duty of putting the Mitchell Brothers out of business. The O’Farrell was raided the way the Allies bombed Dresden and The Brothers legal beagles were led by prominent New York attorney Michael Kennedy, who cut his legal teeth in San Francisco defending the them. The lawyers acquired stiff necks from fighting off copyright VCR infringements from the mafia and daily vice squad intrusions on the premises. Every one of the Mitchell Brothers prostitution busts–there were hundreds in the 70s and 80s–was thrown out of court, a reality but that did not deter Feinstein’s finest from continuing to hit on the O’Farrell with metronic regularity. Led by vice lieutenant Dennis Martel who paid proud to the flashlight prowess of the SFPD — he crawled about the O’Farrell’s back stairwells carrying a long black flashlight and once sent 12 officers with flashlights in search of Marilyn Chambers’ W-2 form. Flashlight-carrying cops invaded the darkened Kopenhagen Lounge, which already had a surfeit of flashlights — customers sat on overstuffed sofas while undressed ladies cavorted about in the altogether carrying red flashlights which they used to illuminate their endearing young charms. [Read more →]

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S.F. Sea Scouts Told to Go Sink Themselves…

The San Francisco Sea Scout program is facing unprecedented challenges, which threaten to abolish the quality maritime experience it has been delivering to San Francisco youth for over three generations.  We wish to keep you informed of recent developments between the National Park Service (NPS) and the Sea Scouts, as they relate to the San Francisco Sea Scout Base.


The San Francisco Sea Scout program has operated in Aquatic Park for over 60 years, serving the city’s young men and women with a program steeped in practical boat maintenance, small boat sailing, maritime history, as well as teamwork and community service.  The Base has been home to numerous Sea Scout Ships over the years, currently being a home port to several historic vessels operated by three Sea Scout ships — one ship being Northern California’s only all-female sailing Sea Scout unit.

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A Classic of Political Spin

From Ron Turner:

I get some good internet fun in my inbox most every day, but this is really a Classic – labeled “Political Spin – this is a real classic” and sent by one  ‘George Tsotos’:

Judy Wallman, a  professional genealogy researcher here in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Harry Reid’s great-great  uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889.  Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common  ancestor.

The only known  photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory.

On the back  of the picture Judy obtained during her  research is this inscription:  ‘Remus Reid, horse  thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885,  escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.’

So Judy recently e-mailed Congressman (sic) Harry Reid for  information about their great-great uncle.

Believe it or not, Harry Reid’s staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:

‘Remus Reid was a  famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire  grew to include  acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the  Montana  railroad.

Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume  his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889,  Remus  passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.’

NOW THAT is how  it’s done folks! That’s real SPIN.

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Davis-Bronstein Feud, Redux

Followers of San Francisco political warfare will savor the following:

There has been a spot of a Cold War for some time between former Chronicle editor Phil Bronstein and legendary campaign manager Jack Davis – who first elected Mike Hennessey Sheriff, defeated incumbent Mayor Art Agnos for reelection with political neophyte Frank Jordan, then defeated Jordan for re-election with Willie Brown, and went on the re-elect Brown for a second term.

Bronstein, who was once married to film actress Sharon Stone, now writes a blog for the Chronicle’s website, SFGate. Recounting his version of some recent city controversies, Bronstein called Davis a political bully, or words to that effect. Davis replied with a e-mail blast that summarized many of the high, or low- lights of Bronstein’s tenure as editor of the Hearst San Francisco Examiner who went on to become editor of the Chronicle when the Hearst’s bought it. Copies of Davis’ e-blast provided more than a few chuckles around City Hall during the holiday doldrums past.

From Davis:
Phil, I recently learned of your blog and that you took the liberty to rewrite history as it pertains to me and the seven-foot boot that was parked outside the Examiner   with the classic Nancy Sinatra song blasting “One of these days these boots are going to walk all over you”.  The great Dan O’Neil had the boot made by some talented hippy from Carson City –  it was not a left over from some Mitchell Bros party as you mistakenly blogged – but there were numerous Mitchell Bros dancers in high leather boots picketing the Examiner.

Actually the cowboy boot theme was insider baseball after you broke Clint Reilly’s ankle in the Ex’s editorial boardroom.  As legend has it Reilly was invited by Will [Will Hearst, than publisher of the Examiner] to pitch direct mail promotion for the Ex and was an invited guest.  So the lore goes the meeting between Will, you and Clint began with you asking Clint why he would not speak to certain of your reporters.  “Just because you fuck them, doesn’t mean I have to talk to them” Reilly allegedly replied which led you to jump out of your seat, come around the table, pin Reilly’s foot down with your cowboy boot and snap Clint’s ankle.

While Reilly laid on the floor in pain a panicked Will pondered what to do.  In comes nurse Ratchet – Pam Brunger [Examiner managing editor] – who calls for an ambulance and Clint is wheeled out of the Ex’s editorial boardroom.  So much for “free speech”.  The terms of the out-of-court settlement have never been published but sources believe that your behavior as Editor cost in the six figures.  How a respected Corporation could tolerate such behavior is beyond me.  Fortunately for you Will is the largest stockholder.  Go figure!

The boot idea also seemed relevant after a S.F. Jury found your paper guilty of predatory pricing and the cowboy boot was the launch of Prop J -  the “Free Public Notice” campaign that I managed pro bono.  Voters overwhelming agreed that said contract should not be awarded only on price.  The loss of this lucrative contract for the Examiner was sad but predictable.

Then there was the $60 million dollar payment to break the JOA and yes I did have my hand in that.  Some say you then ran the paper into an estimated 60 Million dollar operating deficit after the Hearsts bought the Chronicle.

As I think about your sad career, I am reminded of the threats made to Matier & Ross that you would see that they were finished in S.F. for leaving the Ex and joining the Chron.  Today they remain marquis political commentators while you write an insignificant blog.

And how about Mayor Brown being a featured Sunday entity after decades of Bronstein attacks.  How the worm turns.  Is it true that the origin of your pathological hatred of Mayor Brown originates with him stealing your girlfriend?  What woman wouldn’t prefer his company to yours?

Your most successful days were as a foreign correspondent.  Bedding down Imelda Marcos so you could sniff out and reveal the thousands of shoes in her closet made international news.  Another milestone in an illustrious career.  I actually liked that story.

Reports from Tosca’s – unnamed sources – say that a famous movie star paid you $500,000 as a pre-nup/stud fee only to have you fire blanks.

Then there is the Bronstein theory of journalism that rejects objective reporting in favor of edgy news.  Certainly not the material for a Nobel Prize.

For you to call anybody a “bully” is bully with me.  You do seem to have a shoe fetish – cowboy boots, Imelda’s shoes, Reilly’s broken ankle and then of course taking your sneakers off in a cage with a dragon, (stupid jerk).  In my community – the gay community – some would call it all the behavior of a pencil dick.  See ya later boots!

Jack Davis

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Required Reading for The New School Board


 Art by Sandow Birk,
From “In Smog and Thunder: Historical Works from The Great War of the Californias.”
(Published by Last Gasp of San Francisco)


{ The following front page editorial in the Nov-Dec print edition of The Argonaut has prompted considerable comment, as well it should. San Francisco voters agreed with the Argonaut, and approved by a substantial margin Proposition V, a declaration of policy which stated it was the voters’ intent that ROTC  be provided, as an elective, after school, to students who wished to take it.

San Francisco politicos and city bureaucrats have a way of ignoring the voters intent (see: Laguna Honda Hospital rebuilding) when it fits their purposes. We urge the new San Francisco Board of Education, which was sworn in this week and appears to be closely divided on the issue, to heed the will of the voters. }

Argonaut Editorial:
“S.F. Liberalism, Racism & The ROTC”

So many San Francisco liberals have taken to calling themselves “progressives” that it’s getting crowded under that big tent. Traditional liberalism represents gradual progress, but a lot of folks in this town are in a hurry to improve the lot of the commonweal. That’s fine by us, as long as the long march toward “progressivism” doesn’t include steps backward.

Progressive politics, with its populist roots, has taken some peculiar twists in American political history. It has, at times, however subtly or overtly, become de facto racism. Racists rarely can recognize themselves in the mirror.

This is not, at least on the part of the Argonaut, a neo-right critique;  we believe in the least predictable and sometimes quixoctic parts of the California electoral system, the referendum and the ballot initiative – let the will of the people will out — which is, after all, the way democracy sets it’s dinner table.

The current battle royale over faux issue of students’ rights to chose to take ROTC classes, after school, in the city’s public high schools, is ideological and  fundamentally undemocratic on the part of the proponents of the ban, who are being reckless with kids’ lives, and careless about the Constitution.  Let us  spit out the word that dare not be spoken about supersensitive liberals in Frisco –  it is de facto racist. The main economic benefits of ROTC – if students wish to pursue it – is the possibility of a college education which they might not otherwise afford for students from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds. For the Board of Education to impose an ideological glass ceiling blocking opportunities for one class of students is unsufferably politicallly egocentric and manifestly unfair.

We are certain this band of ideologues, headed by hot-headed Supervisor Chris Daly and some of his apostles now running to serve their master on the Board of Supervisors, such as Eric Mar and John Avalos, do not consider themselves racists. Their ideology – that to offer ROTC is constitutionally errant because the Armed Forces don’t let gays and lesbians serve openly et cetera – is certainly a reasonable opinion to hold, and they may be right.

But it is no longer a reasonable constitutional opinion when it is forced on others: We of superior knowledge in San Francisco will give you no choice to choose.

Mssrs. Daly, Mar, Avalos and Co.’s ideology has blinded them to some fundamental principles embedded in the Constitution by the Founders’ common sense  – like the right to freedom of association, which they would deny to students wishing to take ROTC, even after school.

These ideological tight asses like Mar and his likeminds who now sit on the Board of Education, and are otherwise embedded in electoral positions throughout the City, are using their power to force their opinions on others. It is akin to the Catholic Church’s using its belief system about abortion to foist its opinions on non-Catholics.

Flip the coin: By their own m.o. as example, a conservative Board of Education someday could rule gay students will not have the possibility to choose whether they wish to join a gay club that meets, as does ROTC, after school on school grounds. They would be the first to object so such an outrageous policy, and they would be right.
These elitists would take from largely minority and poor students the right to choose to take ROTC because Big Brother knows what is best for them; they are denying these kids the possibilities of higher education afforded to those who choose to go on to enter the military. They have no right to make that decision for them, or disadvantage students of the economic possibilities of higher education which might not otherwise be affordable to them.

We have as many gripes about the military as the average Frisco lib, and you couldn’t drag us into the Army with a pitchfork, but we sure as hell won’t deny that choice to others.

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SEIU Showdown Looms

As a threatened SEIU national takeover of the Oakland-based Healthcare Workers West appears imminent; the national press is beginning to pay attention.

The Wall Street Journal reported that SEIU national president Andy Stern met privately with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich around the time that federal prosecutors say the embattled governor was discussing ways to sell the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama for what the Journal called “a lucrative labor position.” On Sunday the New York Times reported the threatened trusteeship, quoting Neison Lichtenstein, a labor historian at UC Santa Barbara: “The cost of a trusteeship will be great. To my mind, it will mean the destruction of a very dynamic, progressive union that is the model for which most of American Labor should aspire.”

New York Daily News Labor columnist Juan Gonzalez weighed in with a blast at Stern, calling him a “scan artist” who was a “threat to labor’s soul” for his war with Healthcare Workers West head Sal Rosselli.  Gionzalez’ column, which summarizes many of the elements to the controversy, follows:

By Juan Gonzalez

Andy Stern, head of the nation’s fastest-growing union and a chief proponent of labor reform, is about to reveal himself as a colossal scam artist. 

Stern, president of the 2million-member Service Employees International Union, plans to kick off the new year with a stunning assault on democracy within his union. 

At a meeting of SEIU’s executive board, he is expected to dismantle one of its largest locals, California ‘s 150,000-member United Healthcare Workers West, by merging all or part of it into a new California affiliate, union sources say. By doing so, Stern plans to remove UHW’s highly regarded president, Sal Rosselli , the most persistent and effective advocate of rank-and-file democracy within SEIU. Stern is rushing to do away with the UHW and Rosselli despite overwhelming opposition from the local’s members, who flooded SEIU headquarters the past few weeks with more than 125,000 letters and petitions opposing the merger.

Even Stern’s supporters fear his take-no-prisoners strategy is about to spark brutal strife within organized labor, as other unions and labor-friendly politicians are forced to choose sides. 

Stern is pressing forward despite several scandals that forced the resignations of a number of top SEIU leaders after reports of financial improprieties.

“Andy did nothing about all the crooks in the union,” an ex-SEIU president in California said Tuesday. “But he’s going after Sal Rosselli, the one guy we all know is totally honest.” 

Take Tyrone Freeman Stern plucked him out of a small Georgia local in 1999 and put him in charge of Local 6434 – a huge home care workers unit in Southern California. 

Freeman resigned after the L.A. Times revealed he had funneled $600,000 in union contracts to his wife. The local also paid his mother-in-law $8,000 a month to baby-sit his child and those of other union staff, and shelled out $8,000 for his Hawaiian wedding.
Then there’s Rickman Jackson, a former Freeman aide whom Stern put in charge of all SEIU health care workers in Michigan. 

Jackson was booted and banned from holding office for three years after it was learned he was drawing a second salary from Freeman’s California local. He also secretly pocketed $2,500 in monthly rent payments from a union-created housing group. SEIU then gave him a job with a union local in Canada.

Stern also installed Annelle Grajeda as president of Local 721, an L.A-based public employee local.

 Grajeda, who became the top SEIU official in California, went on sudden leave of absence following news reports that her ex-boyfriend collected multiple salaries and consultant fees from SEIU while also drawing a salary as a county employee.

In each case, Stern installed these officials after several locals were merged and locally elected officials were cast aside.
Stern’s supporters praise him as a visionary. They say he’s brilliant at devising new strategies to recruit thousands of new members, and at merging weak locals into bigger and more effective organizations.

 His critics say he’s merely perfected a new form of business unionism: corporate-style takeovers, false advertising, and secret deals with politicians – all of it aimed at a mad scramble for more members. 

SEIU officials did not respond to several calls for comment 

”Our international union keeps reaching special agreements with our employers that the workers don’t know anything about,” Rosselli said. 

 This is a fight for the soul of organized labor, Rosselli added. 

”It’s between our vision of a bottom-up union movement and Andy Stern’s idea that a few folks in Washington should control all the decisions.”

   (New York Daily News)

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New Argonaut Hits the Streets


Click image to read entire issue

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Big Silent Protest on Mission Killings Saturday

From our City Hall Correspondent,

A group of families and friends in the Mission District are organizing a march against the escalating violence in the Mission. Seems the idea here is ‘enough is enough”. Their announcement is below.

Day of the Dead March

November 1st 2008

 Calling all families in San Francisco

Come join the families that have lost their loved ones to violence

 Meet at Civic Center Plaza

 Saturday Nov. 1st @ Noon

 Out of respect for the families we will march in silence.

 We will meet at City Hall for 5 minutes of silence,

march to the State Building for 5 minutes of silence,

march to the Federal building for 5 minutes of silence,

and march to the hall of justice for 5 minutes of silence.

 Again, out of respect for our losses, we request this march is silent.

 We request that all laws and public servants be respected as well as all laws of civil obedience.

If you know a family listed here, please invite them to join us to honor them


Download and print the flyer



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Peskin's Curious You Tube Performance: We Progressives "Take Care of Our Friends."

Anyone Care to Make Sense of This?

Luke Thomas at fog city journal captured this beaut of city life and posted it on You Tube. To look at it for yuks, or horrors (just how close is Halloween, and how scary is this?) go to to watch the carny”


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